“Empowering kids to help kids in medical need”
How does Sparrow Clubs work?
The Employees of Suncadia is our sponsor
We have a family with a child with special needs that has caused a financial hardship for her family
We have the students willing to do community service in honor of our Sparrow with a goal of 300 hours in honor of the $3000.00 sponsorship funds.
Hazel’s video that tells her story: Hazel E.
Electronic Voucher:
Look for on the Classlink page
Show your support by having your child fill out an electronic voucher found on their Classlink and/or Google classrooms for their community service hours.
Hours cannot be helping their own family, but can be anything that benefits our community, neighbors and/or friends as well as our local community supports such as AARF, the food bank, Meals on Wheels etc.
Questions? Contact Kathy Hoffman 509 649-4721 hoffmankcersd.org
or Margo McLeod at 509 649-4716 mcleodm@cersd.org